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Resources & links
Event duration monitoring annual data:
Environmental performance assessments:
Useful data insights:
Cornwall Data Explorer:
Cornwall Data Explorer provides a variety of ecological and environmental focused coastal and marine data which can inform and contribute to environmental planning, management, and protection across the county.
Top of the Poops:
The Top of the Poops website analyses EDM data provided by water companies. You are able to see a breakdown of water companies, as well as CSO locations and number of sewage dumps for each location.
Bloomin’ Algae:
Bloomin’ Algae is a citizen science app which can be used for reporting signs of harmful algal blooms of blue-green algae. Users can submit photos which will be examined and verified by an expert.
Environmental regulators:
England – Environment Agency
Wales – Natural Resources Wales
Scotland – Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
Northern Ireland – Northern Ireland Environment Agency
Water company financial regulator:
Relevant regulations:
The Urban Waste Water Treatment (England and Wales) Regulations 1994